a series of numbers in which each number ( Fibonacci number ) is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The simplest is the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc.
; Find largest number from the array of 32-bit numbers. ; Program search for largest number and display the same. section .data larg_msg db 'Largest Number is::' larg_len: equ $-larg_msg nwline db 10 array dd 0fa100001h,0b2000002h,0ffffffffh,0d400004h, 0500005h ;array elements arrcnt dd 05h section .bss dnum_buff resb 8 large resd 1 %macro dispmsg 2 mov eax,4 ;System call for write mov ebx,1 ;standard output stream mov ecx,%1 ;message start address mov edx,%2 ;message length int 80h %endmacro section .text global _start global break...
Terminator All flowcharts start and end with the terminator or terminal shape. This is a rounded rectangle and is shown below. You use this same shape for both the start and the end. You will see some charts with slightly different terminal shapes. For example, sometimes an oval is used. This is because there is no golden standard for flowcharting. Different companies and different technical areas use different shapes. There are a few basic rules and, beyond that, you can create your own rules for your organization. If you add your own shapes, it is important that you explain what they are used for, so others can understand your chart. Just click on the terminator shape in the stencil and then type in the text. To read a flowchart, you follow the arrows from shape to shape. To draw a line in RFFlow, click on the line in the stencil at the left and then drag the mouse to draw the line in your chart. It is faster to place all your shapes first and t...
Found this stuff while i was goofing around the net,as my reputation precedes me ALWAYS DO THE wrong IN THE RIGHT WAY! The reality, however, is that hackers are a very diverse bunch, a group simultaneously blamed with causing billions of dollars in damages as well as credited with the development of the World Wide Web and the founding of major tech companies. In this article, we test the theory that truth is better than fiction by introducing you to ten of the most famous hackers, both nefarious and heroic, to let you decide for yourself. Black Hat Crackers The Internet abounds with hackers, known as crackers or " black hats ," who work to exploit computer systems. They are the ones you've seen on the news being hauled away for cybercrimes. Some of them do it for fun and curiosity, while others are looking for personal gain. In this section we profile five of the most famous and interesting "black hat" hackers. Jonathan James : James gained n...
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