NASM: program to find largest number from an array of 32-bit numbers(hard-coded)
; Find largest number from the array of 32-bit numbers.
; Program search for largest number and display the same.
section .data
larg_msg db 'Largest Number is::'
larg_len: equ $-larg_msg
nwline db 10
array dd 0fa100001h,0b2000002h,0ffffffffh,0d400004h, 0500005h ;array elements
arrcnt dd 05h
section .bss
dnum_buff resb 8
large resd 1
%macro dispmsg 2
mov eax,4 ;System call for write
mov ebx,1 ;standard output stream
mov ecx,%1 ;message start address
mov edx,%2 ;message length
int 80h
section .text
global _start
global break
mov esi,0
mov ecx,[arrcnt]
break1: mov eax,0
lup1: cmp eax,[array+esi*4] ;Compare accumulator with array element
ja lskip1 ;If accumulator is greater go to skip
mov eax,[array+esi*4] ;Else move array element in accumulator
lskip1: inc esi ;Point to next element
loop lup1
mov [large],eax
dispmsg larg_msg,larg_len
mov ebx,[large]
call disp_num
dispmsg nwline,1
exit: mov eax,01
mov ebx,0
int 80h
mov edi,dnum_buff ;point esi to buffer
mov ecx,8 ;load number of digits to display
rol ebx,4 ;rotate number left by four bits
mov dl,bl ;move lower byte in dl
and dl,0fh ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
add dl,30h ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
cmp dl,39h ;compare with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;if less than 39h akip adding 07 more
add dl,07h ;else add 07
mov [edi],dl ;store ASCII code in buffer
inc edi ;point to next byte
loop dispup1 ;decrement the count of digits to display
;if not zero jump to repeat
dispmsg dnum_buff,8
;[apcoer@localhost ~]$ nasm -f elf64 32h.asm
;[apcoer@localhost ~]$ ld -o 32h 32h.o
;[apcoer@localhost ~]$ ./32h
;Largest Number is::FFFFFFFF
; Program search for largest number and display the same.
section .data
larg_msg db 'Largest Number is::'
larg_len: equ $-larg_msg
nwline db 10
array dd 0fa100001h,0b2000002h,0ffffffffh,0d400004h, 0500005h ;array elements
arrcnt dd 05h
section .bss
dnum_buff resb 8
large resd 1
%macro dispmsg 2
mov eax,4 ;System call for write
mov ebx,1 ;standard output stream
mov ecx,%1 ;message start address
mov edx,%2 ;message length
int 80h
section .text
global _start
global break
mov esi,0
mov ecx,[arrcnt]
break1: mov eax,0
lup1: cmp eax,[array+esi*4] ;Compare accumulator with array element
ja lskip1 ;If accumulator is greater go to skip
mov eax,[array+esi*4] ;Else move array element in accumulator
lskip1: inc esi ;Point to next element
loop lup1
mov [large],eax
dispmsg larg_msg,larg_len
mov ebx,[large]
call disp_num
dispmsg nwline,1
exit: mov eax,01
mov ebx,0
int 80h
mov edi,dnum_buff ;point esi to buffer
mov ecx,8 ;load number of digits to display
rol ebx,4 ;rotate number left by four bits
mov dl,bl ;move lower byte in dl
and dl,0fh ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
add dl,30h ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
cmp dl,39h ;compare with 39h
jbe dispskip1 ;if less than 39h akip adding 07 more
add dl,07h ;else add 07
mov [edi],dl ;store ASCII code in buffer
inc edi ;point to next byte
loop dispup1 ;decrement the count of digits to display
;if not zero jump to repeat
dispmsg dnum_buff,8
;[apcoer@localhost ~]$ nasm -f elf64 32h.asm
;[apcoer@localhost ~]$ ld -o 32h 32h.o
;[apcoer@localhost ~]$ ./32h
;Largest Number is::FFFFFFFF
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